Flood Insurance

If catastrophe strikes, make certain you’re properly insured.

Holman Flood Insurance

Most homeowner and commercial property insurance policies do not protect against flooding. Given the recent shift in weather patterns, your home or business could end up underwater even if you are in a non-flooding zone. Flood insurance is a complex product, and there are two options for acquiring it—via the National Flood Insurance Program, a program subsidized by the government, or through a private insurance carrier. Our experts can explain the difference between the two and provide you with options so you can choose the right plan for your situation.

The Right Protection for Your Home

When it comes to insurance coverages, you can find tailored policies for various types of properties, including houses, condos, high-value homes, vacation homes, coastal properties, and commercial property.

Are You Fully Protected?

Your insurance coverage should encompass protection against a range of potential water-related hazards, such as loss from water damage, sewage and drain backups, erosion caused by powerful waves, mudflows, mudslides, and other unusual or abnormal water patterns.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Holman can help make it easy to protect what’s important to you.

    • What does flood insurance cover?

      Flood insurance typically covers damage to a building’s structure and its contents caused by flooding. This includes damage from overflowing rivers, heavy rainfall, storm surges, and other water-related events.

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    • Who can benefit from having flood coverage?

      Almost any person or entity that owns property can benefit from getting a flood policy to supplement their other property insurance policy. Property owners cannot afford to be without protection in high-risk areas where flooding is common. In fact, people and businesses with property in certain high-risk areas may even be legally required to carry a flood policy. Property owners often still can benefit from flood coverage that don’t often flood. Flood policies for properties in low-risk areas are usually affordable, and they can provide important protection if a flood ever does occur. After all, few individuals and businesses could afford to fully recover from a flood with just their financial resources.

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    • Is there a waiting period for flood insurance?

      Yes, there is usually a waiting period before flood insurance coverage takes effect. It’s important to plan ahead, as the waiting period can range from 30 days to several days depending on the circumstances.

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    • Are there deductibles in flood insurance?

      es, flood insurance policies often have deductibles, which are the out-of-pocket amounts the policyholder must pay before the insurance coverage kicks in. Deductibles can vary, and it’s essential to understand the terms of your policy.

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